The Rest is Music
Cashmere Radio
Monthly Show
Tuesdays 18.00 - 19:30
The Rest is Music is a monthly show on Cashmere Radio, dedicated to contemporary and experimental music.
What began as a casual program exploring mixed music (i.e., compositions that combine acoustic instruments with electronic media) gradually evolved into a deeper inquiry of contemporary music socio-political dimension such as the standardization of repertoire, gender representation, racial inequalities and post-migrant experiences.
The show places particular emphasis on music that lies outside the established canon, spotlighting underrepresented voices such as Colombian and Latin American composers, FLINTA artists, and Ukrainian musicians. With more than 40 scripted episodes, The Rest is Music combines educational segments with artist interviews, fostering a space for perspectives that challenge traditional norms in contemporary music.
With more than forty episodes, including an ongoing collaboration with initiative neue musik Berlin’s Month of Contemporary Music, the show has hosted more than fifty artists, musicians, and composers from both Berlin’s local scene and the broader international contemporary music community. These conversations take place in German, English, and Spanish, and feature musicians from Berlin and Bogotá, as well as international guests.
Some gusts include:
Georg Klein, Laura Mello, Stefan Streich, Jessie Cox, Madison Greenstone, Sandeep Bhagwati, Matthias Osterwold, Matthias Haenisch, Andrea Neumann, Sabine Ercklentz, Gamut Inc., Katrin Em, Stefan Roigk, Daniella Fromberg, Sylvia Hinz, Ignaz Schick, Zaafran Ensemble, Maximillian Marcoll, Christian Kesten, Jutta Ravena, Paul Clouvel, Atractor Studio, Juliana Gaona, Tamon Yashima, Elif, Gülin Soğuksu, Ana Maria Romano, Alba Fernanda Triana, Catheriene Lamb, Romain Malwengo Kingenzi, Ale Hop, Hexorcismos, Khyam Allami., Hanno Leichtmann, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, La Radio Criolla, Laure Boer, Kyiv Contemporary Music Days, Connie Mandale, Morgan Sully, Böseblick (Alessandra Eramo, Korhan Erel, Ariel Orah, Kirsten Reese), Mario Verandi, Zinc and Copper, Robyn Schulkowsky, Frau Von Da, Lauren Newton, Mathias Maschat, Mouse on Mars, LUX:NM Ensemble, Edith Steyer, Carolina Böttinger, Contagious Trio, Tim McCormack, Paul Hüber, Ensamble KNM Berlin, Ana Maria Rodriguez, Nicolas Collins, Magda Mayas, Maikon K, Fernanda Farah, Ruben D'Hers, Diana Medina, Ebliz Álvarez, Witch n Monk, Marina Cyrino, Matthias Koole, Carla Boregas, Mauricio Takara.
As a community radio station, Cashmere Radio has been a the front of community of experimental practices of the free scene in Berlin. From club culture to avantagarde practices and traditional radio, the location has become a house for a diverse range of people that makes an ideal place for creative encounters and musical adventures.