Lectures and Presentations

2024 “Absolute Relativity. Navigating Brain Datasets Through Sound” Matters of Activity Cluster of Excellence. Humboldt Universität Berlin.

2023 “Neurophilia. Imaginaries of the brain in new music. Between neurocentrism and posthuman ideologies” in Gegenwartsentwürfe – Zukunftsbilder Internationales Symposium anlässlich des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Neue Musik 8.–10. November 2023, Wien. 

2023 Glitch Curation Symposium. Ultima Festival, Oslo.

2023 “The Rest is Music. An approach to Acoustic Justice in Contemporary Music Radio” Radio that Matters 2023. Berlin: Errant Bodies. 25 March 2023.

2023 “Tropicanibal migrations. Cumbia as a sonic safe space for Latin-American migrant communities?” CTM Research Networking Days 2023. January 29, 2023.

2022: Decolonizing Music Technologies. w/ Romain Malwengo Kingenzi  Khyam Allami,  Alejandra Cardenas “Ale Hop”,  Moises Horta "Hexorcismos.” ACUD MACHT NEU Berlin.

2022 “The shape of Cumbia to Come, Neo-macondism or Colombian Avant-garde?” Harvard Graduate Forum 25-26 March 2022. 

2021 “Smells like Neon Lights, Tastes like Pigmented Speakers. How does Klangkunst actually sound like?” In The Sound of Sound Studies, Annual conference of the AG Auditive Medienkulturen & Sound Studies in the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft. July 8-10, 2021. Leuphana University Lüneburg. https://llaudioll.de/soundofsoundstudies/

2020 D’Aleman, Nicolas,Chris Chafe & Julia von Thienen. “Brainwave etudes: Composition and improvisation with brain data.” Presentation at the MIC Conference of Creativity, Sept. 14-16, Bologna, Italy. 

Articles and Reviews

2023 Postmodernism and Rosalia’s Motomami. Klang Magazine Online.

2023 Atonal Festival 2023. Positionen 137.
2023 Atonal Festival 2022. Positionen 134.
2022 Singuhr Projects, Milchhof, Errant Sound, Hilbert Gallery, DAAD Galery. Positionen 132.
2022 MaerzMusik 2022. Positionen 132.
2022 Klangwerkstatt 2021. Positionen 130.
2021 The shape of Cumbia to come—Neo-Macondismo oder kolumbianische Avantgarde? Positoinen 128.
2021 Jazzfest Berlin 2020. Positoinen 127.

2023 Post Humane Kunst? Impuls Festival Sachsen Anhalt 2022. MusikTexte 176.
2022 Cui Bono. Für wen wird hier Programm gemacht? BAM Festival 2022. MusikTexte 173
2021 Klangkunst-Utopien. DYSTOPIE sound art festival 2020: Berlin – Brasilien. MusikTexte 168.
2020 Eine Woche Klangkunst. Die erste Gutenberg Sound Art Academy in Mainz. MusikTexte 164.

2021 Maerz Musik 2021: What Does Time Politics Sound Like? Berliner Festspiele Blog.
2021 Maerz Musik 2021: What Does Eternity Sound Like? Berliner Festspiele Blog.
2021 Maerz Musik 2021: What Does Real Time Sound Like? Berliner Festspiele Blog.
2020 Jazzfest Berlin 2020: How come radio is not dead yet? Berliner Festspiele Blog
2020 Jazzfest Berlin 2020: Live from rom New York it's Jazzfest Berlin 2020. Berliner Festspiele Blog.
2020 Jazzfest Berlin 2020: Of Outer Spaces. The Jazzfest Berlin goes Digital. Berliner Festspiele Blog.

Peer Review

2022 Kiss, Luca, Cecilia Guiot, Sarah Hashim, Nicolas D’Aleman Arango, and Martin A. Miguel. “The 14th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus21).” Music & Science (January 2022). https://doi.org/10.1177/20592043221076613

2021 D’Aleman Arango, N, Rahman, S. Sonifying Flow: Biofeedback and music improvisation. Poster. International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, SysMus21. Nov. 3-5 Aarhus, Denmark.

2021 D’Aleman Arango, N. “Archiving the Sonic Ephemeral: Towards a classification of sound installation documentations through spatial audio features.” In 8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM2021), July 28–30, 2021, Virtual Conference, GA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, https://doi.org/10.1145/3469013.3469015

2020 D’Aleman Arango, N., von Thienen, J. & von Coler. “The Brainwave Virtual Instrument: Musical improvisation and brainwave sonification via Faust programming”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Faust Conference, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris, France, December 1-2.